South Africa - Flight Information

Residency - the horse(s) for export must have been domiciled in New Zealand since birth or for at least the previous 6 months.

Pre-export Isolation - The horse(s) are required to be in pre-export isolation, at a Government Approved Facility, at least 30 days prior to the flight.

Tests - During pre-export isolation the horse(s) are tested for Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA), Equine Infectious Anaemia (EIA) and Streptococcus Equi.

Vaccinations - During the first 7 days of isolation, the horse(s) are vaccinated against Equine Influenza.

Pregnant mares must not be more than 8 months in foal.

New Zealand Bloodstock Airfreight can offer a service to South Africa, please contact us for further information or enquire about a booking now.

New Zealand Bloodstock can now offer a scheduled service to South Africa, via Sydney.

Contact: Greg Northcott